Interactive E-platform
The e-Platform will be designed as e-Training Service and will support the delivery of all materials of the project and will also support online interactive tools such as blogs and social networking applications. This output will transform and incorporate the contents of result 1 (Resource Pack), result 2 (Best Practice Manual), result 3 (Curriculum) and result 4 (Handbook for Stakeholders) and provide access to the training subjects.
The e-Training Service will enable users to learn also in auditive ways. Extracts and parts of the Course will be available not only as interactive
web-based contents, but also be available as podcast.
Resource Pack and Training Materials
The CoolCars Resource Pack and Training Scheme for a sustainable tourism and cultural/technical heritage concept will guide learners to understand, among others, • what the ecological footprint means; • how sustainability can impact the energy consumption over the life cycle of a product; • what are the connections between climate-friendly tourism and the conservation of technical means of transport; • which activities support local and regional tourism industry. The interactive Resource Pack will be available in English and in Italian and Catalan
Best Practice Manual
The Best Practice Manual will provide a selection of sustainable tourism case studies, success stories and best practice examples which will be gathered throughout Europe. The Manual will have
a modular structure and will group the examples of best practice
as follows: Gentle mobility tourism; “Grey energy” and its effect
on the overall energy balance; Cars and technical heritage; Innovative sustainable tourism concepts; Experience and adventure tourism.
The Manual will be produced in English, Italian and Catalan
Curriculum for Trainers in Adult Education
to organise information and awareness raising measures or how to incorporate the project’s concept into adult education measures
It contains indications about the didactic design and the information and knowledge transfer based on the CoolCars resource Pack and Training Scheme The Curriculum will contain, for each of the modules, didactic background information, work sheets, hand-outs and other relevant materials
Handbook for Stakeholders
results in a new and innovative adult education programme which leads to a deeper understanding of climate and sustainability issues among European
citizens. However, instead of prohibitions, restrictions and renunciations, project partners wish to demonstrate that enjoyable lifestyle and exciting tourism can also be achieved
by following the aspects mentioned above, i.e., the sustainable use
of (classic) cars, the selection of holiday destinations which can
be reached without airplanes, and the interest for cultural heritage
in a broader sense.
Mobile Application
An Android native app will be developed to join the e-learning platform where the educational documents and materials are stored.